Sep 28, 2011

Sketchbook stuff coming soon

I did a big sketchbook scan this evening and have a lot of Cupcake Captive and Aztec stuff to post, but for now, here's some subway/subway-inspired people:

Sep 26, 2011

Even more Ugly Americans: 'Wail Street' storyboards

I only did storyboard revision for this episode, and the shots were ultimately replaced by Mark's Life Improve-matorium fantasy. Originally, Mark was going to be tempted by a perfect suburban family life with Callie, but it made sense to replace it with something a little less intimate, in the grand scheme of the show. But it was also adorable, I didn't want to let the designs of the little Mark and Callie kiddies die, so here they are.

Also, I had a great time in Ottawa at the Animation Festival with the Augenblick crew, and it was great seeing old friends again. See you around NYC or next year in Ottawa, everyone!